Therapy for wild possibilities.

Asian American Therapist

Therapy for Asian American Women in California

Ready to work with an expert who really gets you?

You’re ambitious and high-achieving. You put a lot of pressure on yourself and take on a lot of responsibility. Your stress is getting out of hand. The truth is, you know how to work hard but you don’t know how to live with ease. Your parents raised you to be successful but no one taught you how to actually be happy. Doing the right thing was your purpose for so long but now you want to live authentically, joyfully. You know you contain multitudes, but life right now lets you show just one dimension. It’s not really enough, is it? 

To get through the day-to-day, you turn to food, TV, and shopping. And maybe those things help but day after day, nothing actually changes. You’re stuck.

It’s time for a new chapter in your life, when you focus on what really matters to you.

Imagine your job is no longer draining. You’ve got firm boundaries and reasonable expectations so when work is done, you’re taking care of your needs and doing the things that bring you JOY. Maybe that’s relaxing with your loved ones or going on weekend trips. Maybe you’re hitting a museum by yourself for some quality solo time. Whatever it is, you have the freedom to do the things that feed you. Your relationships no longer feel like work because you’ve finally figured out how to navigate toxic situations and people. You don’t take other people’s shortcomings personally. In fact, you’re actually empowered in every relationship to say “no” and set reasonable boundaries. You’re also okay with asking for help and consideration. You’re not afraid to be honest with people but you may not always choose to be. You trust yourself, even through mistakes and failures. You have a growth mindset and the confidence to learn from the things that go wrong in life. You allow yourself to be imperfectly human. You have compassion for yourself, which deepens your compassion for and connection with others. You are your own best ally and you make decisions about how you spend your time and resources based on your unique values and outlook on life. You are unabashedly proud of the person you are (and no, that’s not narcissism). Even when life throws you a curveball, you know your worth is unconditional.

Sounds liberating, doesn’t it?

This is what I want for you! This is how I help. Let’s do this together.

Asian American therapist

Hi, I’m Chu Hui, aka Dr. Cha.

I’m an Asian American therapist.

I’m a 1.5 generation Korean American woman. I left a good job with a fantastic salary and pension to, well, do this. This was not in my roadmap for being a financially secure and successful adult child of immigrants. But when I turned 40, I realized I needed to do the work that was really calling to me and live the life I always dreamed of. I don’t believe everyone has to radically pivot the way I did but my experience transformed my purpose. My purpose now is to serve my community by validating and normalizing our unique cultural experiences and by helping people honor their whole selves.

So, ready to talk?

Learn more about my expertise.

As Featured In

Confidence Daily

Asian American therapist
Asian American therapist
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  • You change the world by being yourself.

    Yoko Ono

  • There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

    Korean Proverb

  • I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

    Carl Jung

  • Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.

    Anaïs Nin